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"It is your light that lights the world"

Rumi, 13th Century Sufi poet

Healing Hands

My interest in holistic healing began when I read Barbara Ann Brennan's "Hands of Light" in 1990.
"Your hands are potent tools of healing. They possess the power to channel universal energy into the physical body, bringing about transformation and balance." After 20 years of being a trained holistic therapist, I now see my healing hands as my greatest gift.


About Me

My work has evolved over years of my own personal healing journey. My life experience and health challenges have taught me that we are all unique and all require individual attention, care and understanding to really get to the root of our health issues. My aim is to really listen to you and work with you to find a way forward. 

I fundamentally believe positive change is possible for every one of us. My intention is to work with empathy, integrity and compassion.

Holistic Therapies

Holistic Reflexology

Holistic reflexology works on the whole system: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, incorporating the chakra system. The massage stimulates the body systems towards the optimum level of function, thus restoring balance and health.

Touch of Light Massage

Touch of Light Massage is a deeply relaxing full body massage which  re-balances and rejeuvenates the body and the energy field. The massage works on the energy meridians in the body as well as aligning the chakra system. 


Crystal Healing

Crystal Healing accelerates the healing process and rebalances the energy field. It deeply cleanses the energy field, improving health and well-being  as well as giving more positive energy levels.

It is also a powerful aid to

meditation and spiritual connection.

​“ We talked through any issues, Jacqueline is very empathetic and a good listener. During the reflexology the anxieties then moved through the body and were let go, leaving me deeply relaxed and feeling lighter. I chose to have a light dance session first, followed by reflexology, which was a perfect combination and great value. I would highly recommend reflexology with Jacqueline for stress relief, wellbeing, and generally feeling more grounded

​Louise C

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